
WB Youth & Family Ministry is committed to leading families into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

YouthOur Youth meet each week with a different theme to engage the students with Faith, Food and Fun!
Those in grades 9-12 are currently meeting on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm. 
Grades 6-8 are meeting on Thursdays from 7-9pm. 

WBC KidsWyoming Baptist Church encourages the entire family to participate in our Sunday worship services. Children remain in the service until children's time. During children's time the congregation participates in the children's story and prayer before the children exit to attend junior church during the sermon portion of our Sunday service.

Junior Church is separated into two age groups: kindergarten to grade one and grades two to five. Children in grades 6 and up are encouraged to participate in our full church service. Please click HERE for junior church sign in and out procedures.  

Parents of infants and toddlers, please note that the nursery is staffed for the entire church service for children ages 3 and under. Parents can sign their child in/out of the nursery directly as needed. The nursery is located off the main hallway next to the accessible family washroom. Infant changing stations are located in all bathrooms.  

Family Ministry
We maintain a philosophy of ministry that focuses on the impact of the home and family in developing the faith of children and young people. We hold tightly to that ideal as a Biblical standard, and seek to challenge ourselves to develop new ways to resource not only kids, but their families with the truth of the gospel.

Strong Marriages
Healthy Families
Growing Kids
Widening Influences

 Link to Parent Cue